Discord is a free communication platform that lets users chat via text, voice or video messages. Users can join servers to communicate with a community.
On the Coffee Discord server, members support each other to get the best possible coffee. They share tips on buying equipment and organize blind coffee tasting events. It’s an ideal place for coffee lovers looking to improve their coffee-tasting experience.
That’s how I met “rouge soleil”, a coffee podcast creator.

If you’re interested in the coffee community, you can join the Coffeegeek Discord server for free by clicking on the button below.
The Discord widget below is a tool that provides a real-time overview of members connected to Coffeegeek’s Discord server.
To use Discord, simply use the service on your desktop browser or download the free app available for Android, iOS, Linux, macOS and Windows.
Although it is possible to contact the blog authors via Discord, it is preferable to use the“contact” section.
Discord forum rules
For full access to the Discord coffee discussion forum, you will need to accept the rules summarized below:
The Coffeegeek Discord server has strict rules to ensure a pleasant experience for all members. Members must respect other users and their opinions. They must avoid political or religious discussions, and not post NSFW, NSFL or unhealthy content. Unauthorized advertising is forbidden, as are questions about business set-ups. Members must also avoid unnecessary mentions and respect the privacy of other members. The server is French-speaking, so members must write in French for overall understanding with the community.